Don't Take Awkward Family Photos!
Along with your family and great food, there's the ever-present camera at holiday gatherings. Do your family pictures turn out like this?
Thank goodness that we can now easily erase bad photos. But we do want to have some good pictures to help us remember the happy times in our lives. Our photography section on the second floor has the inspiration you need for great holiday images.
In the book "The Design Aglow Posing Guide for Family Portrait Photography" author Lena Hyde shares images from several different photographers in sections on babies, children, siblings, and families. Be inspired by the images, as well as the tips on lighting, lenses and props.
Everyone knows that children are the hardest to capture, as noted in the picture with the bawling trio ironically holding the word "joy". In her book "Moments that Matter", mom of 3 and photographer Farrah Brannif answers the questions parents ask about photographing their children. She covers both point-and-shoot as well as DSLR cameras, so this is a guide for all levels.
Our photography section has these books as well as information on many other facets of photography. Come visit your library so you don't get stuck with pictures like these in your holiday photo album.
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