Thursday, September 19, 2013

Homemade Cheese Demonstration

Did you know that you can make almost any kind of cheese at home? Certain varieties are easier to make than others (which require special equipment), but generally, the tools needed to make homemade cheese are probably already in your kitchen. Imagine fresh, preservative-free cheese, flavored with herbs and other seasonings just the way you like it. It's easier to make cheese than you may think, and you can use simple, local resources to do it.

On Tuesday, September 24th at 6PM, Suzanne Krowiak of Indy Food Swappers will demonstrate how to make fromage blanc and cream cheese. She will walk you through the entire process, talk about common ingredients, and offer insider tips and tricks. Afterward, you'll have a chance to taste the cheese that she makes during the demonstration. Suzanne is a knowledgeable instructor who puts on a great program and makes delicious food, so reserve your seat today.

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