Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Challenge Update

Hopefully everyone reading this has signed up for Winter Reading.  With nothing to download and no passwords to remember, it's easier than ever for both adults and teens.  Just stop by the reference desk and ask for a Challenge Sheet and write down your challenge.  It can be to read for 30 minutes a day or read a book.  The fantastic thing about this is people who are not book readers can win a fantastic prize basket.  How?  Let's say you read The New York Times every Sunday, or maybe you love Rolling Stone (the library carries both), just because you are not reading a book doesn't mean you are not reading.  Well, some of you may be wondering how I am doing on my reading challenge.  I am the over ambitious librarian who is reading 30 books that other people have picked out.  Sadly, I have read two and am currently working on two more.  Like everyone, life gets in the way and I was asked to help a friend move out of state and came home to a husband who said, "We're going to install a new ceiling fan in the kitchen tonight."  Now while it appears I may not reach my goal of 30 books by March 3rd, I'm still going to turn in my Challenge Sheet because I'm still reading.  Here's a quick review of the two books I have finished so far.

Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper: I listened to this on audiobook.  It is about a girl with cerebral palsy and while people think she's not smart based solely on her looks and actions, she is likely one of the smartest people in her grade.  When so many people have an idea of who you are, how easy is it to change their mind?  With a fish on the cover jumping out of a fish bowl, I had no idea what I was reading/listening to, but I enjoyed it.  Realistic fiction is right up my alley and it was a pretty good read.  I had to laugh because at the end of the book was a suggestion for another realistic fiction book I read and enjoyed, A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass.

Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star by Rachel Renee Russell: This book is the third in what is currently a series of five books.  I have given this book to many people and say, "It's like Diary of a Wimpy Kid" for girls.  The drawings are a bit more sophisticated than Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but the story is just as fantastic.  References to a pesky little sister and phrases like, "That's what I wanted to say, but I only said it in my head so no one heard it but me."  If you or a loved one is looking for a quick, funny read, this is for you.  Don't believe me?  I challenged a coworker to read it for her reading challenge.

So there you have it, my reviews so far.  How is your challenge coming along?

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