Saturday, May 7, 2011

Teen Tech Week Robot Story

Give teens the freedom of Facebook and limitless story telling possibilities and what do you get? An action-packed story! Now, I like action books, don’t get me wrong, but when Zionsville teens think, they think BIG! Check out the Library’s first ever social experiment as part of Teen Tech Week 2011, which is hosted by the American Library Association!

Once there was a little troll walking through the forest when she met a robot. The robot jumped out and said, "BLLAAARRRG!" and then shot lasers out of its eyes. The troll does a Matrix dodge and then casts a spell that chains the robot to a wall, immobilizing him. Then the troll does the traditional troll rain dance and rusts the robot and then he does a dance like this (visualize three teens doing a stiff version of Michael Jackson's Thriller). The robot sputtered, sparked and blew up. The troll screamed. The robot formed back together and fought like a MANIAC! Suddenly, a dragon comes and breathes fire at the robot. The robot is so hot that it melts and immobilizes the troll in liquid metal. Suddenly, the robot springs up and swears revenge on the dragon that melted him. Out of nowhere the robot sees a shooting star; and she wishes to meet her true love because even though she was hard on the outside, she was mushy on the inside. Little did he know, the troll saw the star first and wished for an object, or weapon, to defeat the robot once and for all. The troll then, being who she is, used her powers to steal all of the light from the land, ALL OF IT. She also stole the dragon's and robot's luck so she had all of that too.

If you would like to keep track of this story and other information about the Library, be sure to "Like" the Library's Facebook Page.

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