Saturday, September 11, 2010

Yes, it rained...but not on our parade!

The Fall Festival weekend started off a bit damp, but we didn't let that ruin our parade.

How could we when Batman decided to join forces with the Library?!? Library Staff--Directors, Librarians, and even a Board Member--gathered around the BATMOBILE to work some of that Mayfield Mayhem out in the community.

We marched all the way through Main Street with Batman behind the wheel. Batman knows that you must have knowledge, wisdom, and intellect to outwit a villain and the Library is a great place to learn new skills, gain knowledge and collect information!
If you need to outwit a villain, or are just looking for some entertainment, visit the Library!

And if it is Superheroes you want, we have Batman books, Spiderman books, Superman books; but we believe that EVERY BOOK HAS A HERO, so we will help you find the perfect one!

1 comment:

  1. It was a lot of fun and great to see all those familiar faces lining the streets! I enjoyed being a part of the "Dancing Librarians" for teh 4th year, dancing & walking to cheers of "We love our Library!"


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