Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Soap that Smells Like Bacon: It Could Be Yours!

It does not sound quite right, but there is such a thing as bacon soap.  Yes, you could have the delicious smell of bacon emerging from your bathroom.  While it all sounds very wrong, the smell of bacon is dead on.  One whiff and you would mistake soap for actual bacon in a tiny metal tin.  How do you own this soap?  It's easy!
  1. Be a student currently in grades 6-12 or in college.
  2. Stop by the Teen and Adult Reference Desk and pick up a Challenge Sheet.
  3. Tell us what you are reading and return your Challenge Sheet to the Reference Desk by Friday, February 28th.  
It's that simple!  For teens, there are four fantastic themed prizes to win, including mustaches, Angry Birds, and what our teen librarian refers to as a "geek" prize since it has a Batman ice cube tray.  If you haven't already, stop by and fill out a Challenge Sheet.  No matter if you are reading for pleasure or just reading your homework, you are still reading and our teen librarian thinks that is pretty awesome.  Already doing another reading challenge?  Do two!  Count what you are reading for the other place or group and count those same materials for the library also. 

If you are a little bit sad because you are an adult or are in grade 5 or under, there are still awesome prizes to win.  Just check with an adult or youth services librarian and they will get you up to speed and entered for your chance to win awesome prizes.

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