In addition, art classes for children K-12 will be offered by local and ZCS art teachers on four different Saturdays in March. See the Events calendar to sign up; spots are filling up quickly.

- enhances problem-solving and critical thinking
- teaches sensitivity to beauty, order, and other expressive qualities
- promotes multicultural awareness and understanding
- offers another dimension to what students are already learning in other subject areas.
Please support your local art educators and students!
support for quality school art programs. YAM provides a forum for
acknowledging skills that are fostered through experience in the visual
arts that are not possible in other subjects offered in the curriculum. -
See more at: http://www.arteducators.org/news/yam#sthash.GeBH7QGe.dpuf
support for quality school art programs. YAM provides a forum for
acknowledging skills that are fostered through experience in the visual
arts that are not possible in other subjects offered in the curriculum. -
See more at: http://www.arteducators.org/news/yam#sthash.GeBH7QGe.dpuf
support for quality school art programs. YAM provides a forum for
acknowledging skills that are fostered through experience in the visual
arts that are not possible in other subjects offered in the curriculum. -
See more at: http://www.arteducators.org/news/yam#sthash.GeBH7QGe.dpuf