Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How to renew your items (Let me count the ways)

Imagine a world in the not too distant future: Saturday, November 30, 2013.  You wake with a hazy memory brought on by Thursday’s turkey binge or even a day of frantic holiday shopping.  Suddenly, you realize that your library materials are due…today!!  But wait, panic and terror grow as you remember you are not at home, you are at Grandma’s house in North Dakota for the holiday!  If you were home, you would simply visit the wonderful Library and renew them IN PERSON at the Circulation desk or at one of their self-check stations.  “Wait a minute,” you think.  “I can renew them ONLINE!”  That’s right! You can log on using the “My Account” feature on the Library’s website.  Oh no!  You forgot, Grandma still does not have a computer!  This last moment of anxiety quickly fades because you know that you can always call the friendly Circulation staff BY PHONE at 317-873-8340 and they will be happy to help you out of this jam.  Now, if only somebody can teach you how to use Grandma’s rotary phone…

To recap, all the ways that you can renew your library materials:

  • In person—at the Circulation desks or self-check stations
  • Online— and choose the “My Account” link on the left side of the page (You will also need your Library card number or username and your account password)
  • By phone—the Circulation desk can be reached at 317-873-8340

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