Saturday, October 9, 2010

Mock Newbery Youth Committee

The Mock Newbery Youth Committee is well on its way! The Committee will read five books that meet the criteria to win a Newbery Medal. The Committee will then meet in December to discuss the books and vote on the one that we think might actually win the 2011 Newbery Award.

Laura Rodgers has been busy reading books published in 2010, and has narrowed our list down to five, which are...

One Crazy Summer by Rita William
Out of My Mind by Sharon M Draper
Keeper by Kathi Appelt
Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine
The Dreamer by Pam Munoz Ryan

We have already had two informal book discussions on One Crazy Summer and Out of My Mind. The next informal discussion will be for Keeper on Tuesday, October 19.

We are excited to announce that Kathi Appelt, the author of Keeper, will be joining in our book discussion through the use of modern technology! Using Skype, we will be able to talk to the author and have a chance to ask questions. If you are interested in joining us on October 19, please sign up here.

Also, it is not too late to sign up for the Mock Newbery Election! If you want to be a part of this awesome Committee all you need to do is read at least three of the five books from the above list, then make an appearance at the Mock Newbery Election, which will be held on December 12 (sign up here). You can really make your vote count!

The next informal discussions are scheduled for October 19, November 2 and December 7. The discussions are optional; you can still participate in the Election even if you did not attend the discussions.
Happy Reading!

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