As we round out 2010, the Teen Council has been thinking about 2011 Summer Reading since before the 2010 program even started? Why? Well, not only is this a massive program to plan, but the kids in Teen Council put their own spin on the program by making all the decisions. For the past several years, the group has decided to apply for a Youth as Resources Grant. This is a grant that funds up to $1200 of a project, but the key is that the grant must be filled out by completely by those under the age of 18. So for months I could be found biting my nails as the teens planned and plotted the 2011 Teen Summer Reading Program and even filmed and edited the movie that will be shown at the schools next May. Seven teens stood proud and presented their project to a group of teens and adults who serve on the Youth as Resources board. As you can see, their hard work paid off. Thanks to the work of more than 20 teens on the Teen Council, the Library has been awarded $1,199.58! Teens in grades seven and up are invited to attend Teen Council meetings. Starting in January 2011, teens will meet the second Tuesday of each month from 6:45 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
If you can’t wait for Summer Reading, join us December 18th for our first ever Winter Reading Kickoff Party!
It's always a good time for a summer reading program! You guys have a great team on the Teen Council. Congratulations on the grant!