Many Library patrons are traveling for Spring Break. Mayfield had an awesome opportunity to venture out of the Library this Spring Break on an exciting and educational journey!
Mayfield joined Detective Watson from the Zionsville Police Department to learn some satisfying safety tips.
This is what Mayfield learned…
1. Learn Mommy and/or Daddy’s full name.
Learning your parents’ real names will help grown-ups locate your parents. If the place has a loud speaker, the grown-up can page your parents and let them know where to find you.
2. Learn Mommy/Daddy’s cell phone number and your address.
A grown-up can help you find a phone so that you can call Mommy or Daddy on their cell phone if you know the number. If you are too little to remember the number, you might write it in your shoe, but don’t show anyone unless it is an emergency!
3. Look for a safe adult to tell. If you can recognize a policeman or security guard in uniform you can tell them you are lost. If you can’t recognize anyone in a uniform find a woman with children or a store clerk to tell.
Mayfield, we’re glad to have your safety service at the Library!
And a special thanks to the Zionsville Police Department for keeping Mayfield safe.