Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Fitness DVD Binder

Did you know that your library has over 300 fitness DVDs?  With all of these to choose from, It can be confusing to find the ones that are right for you.  But, we have a tool to help you.  It is our Fitness DVD Collection binder pictured above.  You can find this resource on the shelf by the DVDs.  

This binder organizes our DVDs into nine categories:

Browse the DVDs by their call number

Find a workout by its Title

If you like a certain type of workout, you can find them here

Do you have a favorite instructor?  We have Kari Anderson to Violet Zaki

Do you want to learn how to use a particular exercise tool?  We have DVDs that use bands, balls, kettle bells and even chairs.

What is your fitness level?  You no longer have to guess if a DVD is appropriate for you. This binder has the DVDs separated into five fitness levels.  

  Are you interested in toning, and want to know what part of the body a specific DVD works?  In this section,we have our toning workouts divided from head to toe.

Do you have two left feet, or, are you made to dance?  Find the right cardio workout for you by choosing from simple, moderate or complex choreography.  

Lastly, we have the cardiovascular exercises categorized by the level of intensity: Low, Mixed, High or Intervals.               

Now that this information is available, you will have to find another excuse for skipping your workout.

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