Monday, November 21, 2011

A Thankful Librarian

With Thanksgiving around the corner, it is hard to not get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Just as I was feeling overwhelmed with my list of things to do before Thursday, I remembered someone telling me about an astounding family tradition they have on Thanksgiving. Every time anyone takes a bite of Thanksgiving dinner, that person must say something they are thankful for; and seeing that we eat a lot on Thanksgiving, that turns out to be quite a bit of thanks!

I am extremely thankful for my job as a children’s librarian, I love going to work! With my job there are so many things to be thankful for, so I thought I might share a short list with you (that is in no particular order).

I am thankful for...
Their hearts are so big and they things they do and say are so sincere
(and often times very funny).
What would we do without them?
Great Community
The families we see are kind and supportive to each other and the to the Library.

I love it when the Library is bustling!
Great Books
Even though you hear me say, “This is my favorite book,” almost every time you hear me read a book- I truly mean it!
Even though it is frustrating when it doesn’t work, it does make our lives so much easier.
What did we do without it?

HMMPL has the best work environment I have ever experienced.
Library Board
Board members are thoughtful and work hard to make our Library the wonderful place it is.

I am thankful to have the whole first floor as the youth department so kids can be kids.

The Library began recycling this year, which will help us reduce our carbon footprint.
The Library also recycles old cell phones for Cell Phones for Soldiers, which allows military families to connect with each other.
The big windows in the library
So you can see outside even when you need to be inside .

If you are feeling overwhelmed take a minute to relax and think of some things you are thankful for—it is very calming, even if it is only a short list.

Feel free to share things that you are thankful for or perhaps you would like to share a special Thanksgiving tradition that you and your family share together.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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